Could we break up after a collapse? Igor Panarin a professor in Russia wrote that we would.
I think his idea has some merit, but I think he has too little information about the US and our distinct regional cultures and did not take into account geological features. He writes he expects six regional areas - I say over 16!
I travel for business, in fact I am traveling over half the year with 2 to 3 round trips each month in just about every location in the United States, Mexico, Europe, the Near and Far East. Once you work in this way it is a hard lifestyle on your health but your services become "in demand" I from time to time take the kids or the wife so they can see the country or travel internationally. I am not a "sophisticated" traveler I travel on someone's dime not my own, and I travel almost exclusively for projects and work not recreation. I try to enjoy travel, meeting new people, and seeing new places (if you don't develop this mindset you will grow bitter) and I have survived this lifestyle now for over a decade!
My gut is telling me we are about to, and it is going to get nasty, our world is not prepared for a crash of the magnitude we are about to experience.
I made the above map based on several things, culture, ethnic composition, geographical features and limitations, the freedom scale, and political considerations.
This map is only a vague guess and based on my travels, and my impression of the local cultures, I am hyper-sensitive to subtle cultural differences and because I work and travel I see the "back room" versions of the cultures and people not what a recreational traveler would see.
My impressions;
Aztlan Emprie - Mexico and the ethnic communities within the US that are primarily of Mexican ethnic make up. In the last ten years there has been a massive change in the attitude of the conglomerated ethnic enclaves in the areas where the enclaves have become extremely resistant to cultural or lingual integration into the US. At this point I am not judging this situation but rather pointing out the possible conflict under the coming collapse and how that will possibly play out under regional conflict - better to face reality now, like it or not.
Native Territory - Possibly an area of conflict where Native American ethnic groups resist the formation of Aztlan or decide to join with the Mexican ethnic split, I think there is a large chance they will resist. The geography makes this area relatively secure because of the large effort necessary to subdue the area and low return with regional resources.
New Republic of Texas - This area will come into continual conflict with the formation of Aztlan, and honestly, the native Texicans and Tejano populations are scrapping for a fight and would not look positively on the formation of Aztlan and the loss of land. I could see a loss of land from Aztlan and other surrounding areas to invasion from the new formed Republic of Texas. Many of you who do not understand Texas culture may scoff at this, but I am very familiar with this area and it would not take much to reform as a new regional country.
New South - Predominately areas with very high populations of African-Americans an area of high chances for ethnic conflict that will be long and violent and possibly responsible for very high losses in life due to formations of ethnic based conflicting groups. I think this area will be hardest to predict the final outcome - except bloody and horrific.
New Florida - Areas of high populations of non-Hispanic white populations may get squeezed in the middle of the very real possibility of heavy African-American and Hispanic ethnic conflicts in this area, boat/sailing based escapists will be the best off.
New Cuba - The Southern Florida area where large populations of Hispanics, White-Hispanics, and non-Hispanic White populations likely will form into a conglomeration of mutual support in resistance to conflict from the New South.
Ozark South - Areas of heavy white populations that are also heavily armed and willing to use them to basically defend themselves from the regional and ethnic conflicts. There is a very real possibility that they would join or work with a new formed Republic of Texas to regain large areas of Louisiana from the New South. Expect mutual conflict with Mid American Empire, Midwest Empire, and this area is likely to form mutual assistance agreements with the New Southern Republic.
The Eastern and Mid American Empire areas - Areas of the US that tend to heavy authoritarian social alignment, the areas may form assistance agreements, but the cultural differences from Midwest and Mid American areas with the Eastern and New England authoritarian cultures most likely will conflict. The two Eastern Empires will become the most troublesome to their neighbors in attempts to gain land and resources. The Eastern elitism deeply ingrained in their culture will be their downfall as they aggravate their more freedom loving regional neighbors. With heavy urban areas the internal conflicts and losses to population will be very high, the Eastern New England area will have the heaviest proportional population losses of all the areas except the southern California Metro Hell Hole.
Northern Free Territorial regions - Areas of the US and Canada that have a more rural populations with a tendency to open and free republics heavy "pioneer" attitude and resistance to authoritarian thinking. Large wild areas with resources but a harsh life with long winters will form the northern areas into lightly populated free and open areas. The first winters after a collapse will thin the population by over 60%.
The Mormon Republic - with high populations of armed and prepared religious communities the Mormon areas will be best able to capitalize on the collapse. The Mormon churches and members are not only prepared but have religious based predictions about a collapse and are ready and organized in preparation for this event. The "gentile" populations of non-mormons will be tolerated but a concentrated effort to convert them will start immediately, the overwhelming thrust may force many non-mormon members to move into other regional areas. (I am not LDS, if any of the church members have thoughts, or predictions feel free to add them - Note: I am not in any way resistant to Mormon religious freedom or anti-Mormon as I have a great respect for the church members and their proposed and promoted family morality) The heavy Mormon areas are most likely going to be the areas with the least conflict internally.
Costal Western region - Poor California, you know Northern California will LOVE to split away from it's Southern neighbors. After a long bloody struggle that could be almost totally internal. The most capable and scrappy of the armed population will rise from the ashes to join in relief with one another in a new republic. Once internal conflict is over, woe to the areas of North West Aztlan! This conflict will be almost as violent as what I expect in the South East as retribution for the expected ethnic cleansing the Aztlan Empire will levy on her new territory.
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