You need to understand this is not about saying anyone does not deserve what they pay into, but to talk about how YOU have had your money STOLEN and you need to understand what is about to happen!
If you expect retirement or Social Security - YOU NEED TO MAKE PLANS NOW, it will not be there for you and you need to understand it was stolen from you, please remember who you can "thank" for this when the time comes.
The coming disaster - Social Security is going to disappear as more reach retirement than can support this SOCIALIST plan.
This is all much deeper than anyone is wanting to come to terms with...
We also have to come to terms with the fact that many of the most productive in the country will be retiring soon leaving a smaller section of productive people and millions of Illegals hungry for a smaller amount of money produced by the not-yet retired.
A statistical disaster is about to happen, and that is the massive retirement of the "baby-boomers" leaving much smaller populations of productive workers to cover larger proportions of retired people.
Our economy will not handle what is about to happen... and our government seems to be intent on driving us faster into the pit.
Our mistake would be in thinking that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid were ever good ideas or that they were ever Constitutional...
If a private company or individual started a pyramid scam like Social Security they would end up in prison for most of their adult lives, but whorish and evil politicians such as FDR are even called "great" for their treason.
I don't begrudge any reaching retirement your thoughts that you deserve you money back,
but you have to understand your parents, my parents, and all of us were TRICKED.
We were TRICKED into thinking this was all a good idea and told it was acceptable or even Constitutional - it was not and is not.
If you are of retirement age you most likely will see the end of Social Security, I KNOW I will never see a penny of it and I am PLANNING for this problem. I know I cannot "get out" of that
"voluntary" system, so I am not begrudging the retirement aged the money the government has stolen from all the taxpayers to keep a valuable and large voting block happy, it is all everyone for himself after all!
It is theft, it will always be theft, and it will continue to be an issue for this country.
I am not saying that someone who has worked their lives does not deserve a retirement they paid into - what I am saying is that is was THEFT and redistribution and was wrong from the beginning.
I am also saying that anyone on retirement NOW that will likely live long enough to see the next ten years will continue to see less and less of that VALUE (as the money will be worth less and less) and most likely will see the END of that system - you should be prepared to re-enter the workforce when this Social Security system collapses.
The simple fact is that there are LOTS of baby-boomers about to reach retirement who will by simple large numbers will stress the Social Security system to the point it will break. I don't begrudge the money that was stolen from them either but I recognize that it will break the
system and likely break the country.
It was a ponzi scam from the beginning, doomed to fail.
I for one do not want to see my children and grandchildren robbed of their money to pay for some ponzi scam. It needed to be fixed a long time ago but because the whores in politics are also cowards they never wanted to make that large voting block mad....
Because none were willing to face the problem it has only grown larger and will continue to grow larger until it fails catastrophically.
I would like my generation (40s-50s) to put it's foot down and dig in and fix this problem, but as long as we have people continue to say "I want mine" it will continue to grow larger and more dangerous. I think I deserve it myself, I look at how much they have pulled out and think, "I want that back" but I understand that looking at this with emotion and a sense of entitlement will only make the end run worse. I am even willing to continue to have it stolen from me and KNOW I will never see it as long as they stop the system NOW and take that burden off the following generations.
What IS the answer - I'm not sure, one could be to consolidate and grandfather then cut the system off... I do know if nothing is done it WILL fail. As we continue to have big business send work offshore and hire illegal workers there will be no BASE to draw funds from to support the
It is close, and it will be huge - get ready.
This can be an emotional issue, don't let that take away from the looming factual problems that will have to be dealt with.
This and other issues have become such an emotional issue none are willing to look at it objectively.
The truth is this county flirted with Socialism and allowed the Social Security system to be set up in the first place, FDR lied when he said the new currency was not fiat currency, and lied about Social Security it was our biggest early experiment with socialism and it is about to fail.
They were tricked, we were tricked, and most of the people in the US were tricked and NONE of us likes to admit that we were duped and that makes it an emotional issue.
The FACTS are that it WILL fail - do we want to put our heads in the sand and have it fall on our backs or do we want to recognize what will happen?
I am willing to CONTINUE TO PAY - even KNOWING that I will never see a SINGLE penny! I just want it to end, I am willing to pay for the bad decisions of the past as long as it DOES NOT pass on for more generations. But I do not think we will survive as a country that long, we are already doomed, we already cannot handle more of the big problems and we have a long list waiting to hit us.
I would like it to change before it becomes a problem - what happens when we have a large amount of baby-boomers who DEPEND on Social Security and HAVE NO OTHER OPTION and find themselves with a bankrupt system and NO INCOME...
I'm not begrudging anyone who paid in and then expects some back - like I said, I would like some of that back myself - but I am willing to give it up to end the system - a system that CANNOT survive - it is one of the reasons that a ponzi scam is ILLEGAL - it ALWAYS WILL FAIL.
The system WILL fail - prepare NOW, this is not an issue of "blame this or blame that" but a simple issue of warning and fixing - if we cannot fix it we need to spread the warning that it WILL FAIL, I want us all to be ready for what is about to happen...
What happens on a fixed income and the TRILLIONS of dollars of fiat money is finally released by the banks and starts a new round of excessive inflation? That hammer is about to fall and I can guarantee that the government will NOT bring the fixed amounts up to compensate.
I hear lots of "I worked my ass off and my money was given to your grandparents - YOU owe me. You talk about patriotism and freedom like you almost know what it is all about."
First, I DO NOT owe YOU a damned thin dime. I never forced anyone to pay into a ponzi fraud, I am at least rational enough to understand you are being irrational. Second, I understand the disappointment more than you think, and I do understand patriotism, and a lot more about the Constitution and freedom than most of the typical Americans expecting their entitlements. (Far too many whiny Baby Boomers who seem to want to blame the "youth" for everything, you were the ones who vote in your own slavery... what nerve)
I am NOT disparaging anyones life of work or what they paid in taxes (think rational and logical you know the truth) I am only making the obvious conclusion - the political WHORES sold you and this country's future a long time ago! It is called fraud and you and I were taken for suckers and fleeced.
"But I get a statement from Social Security that tells me how much I will get, that is like a contract, a statement of account they have to honor"
This of course all assumes that the government has any honor and is any better than Bernie Madoff - they are not and never will be. How incompetent is the government? Have you not figured this out? Doesn't this problem just take the cake? Madoff gave out monthly statements also... we all know how that worked out.
When could we ever trust the government to be honest and honorable?
Yes, we were all forced to contribute, yes the government would rather waste money on ill advised endeavors, like buying votes with welfare and amnesty, yes they lied us into socialism.... But they are incompetent and they always were, we gave the keys to the bank to a bunch of drunken losers at the bar and we get this, a wreck of a country, the fault is not with the youth or your "selfish" neighbors but with your past voting - you made this bed now we all have to lie in it.
I would say my point is always hate, fear, and distrust the government, and understand they have no intent to help you but to help the ones who have the real power. Bail-outs, so who was behind that? Why was it so important that Bush the younger got on TV and told everyone that we needed to hand BANKERS our money or the country would be ruined - and what happened? Record PROFITS for the banks on our tax dollars.
The government did not "find the money" for the bailout - it is debt, crushing debt, on the backs of our grandchildren! They paid for the handouts for their masters with the debt slavery of our grandchildren! If the American people should be mad enough to start the second revolution - the first was for LESS - how the Founders must be turning in their graves!.
We could quote the Founding Fathers on this issue because they KNEW what was going to happen when the creeping forces of banking and intrigue would take over, and the need to keep out of "foreign entanglements" like Vietnam and now Iraq and Afghanistan... Ask yourself the simple question "who benefits?" - you know the answer deep down.
What do we do? They lied and they are broke and many who should be able to retire on money they were promised will not get it or it will stop when they need it...
How do we prepare for this? I would be willing to continue to pay Social Security and never see a penny - as long as it stops with my generation, I get the feeling I am alone in this - the desire to fix it at any cost and at any price, because it will continue to be a broken system and I want to fix it now before it gets worse.
The reality is WHEN does government EVER keep a promise unless it means votes or more cash into their whorish pockets.
A link from the mouth of the beast (US .Gov).
Johnson during Vietnam needed some money to continue at that point some government accounting shenanigans were uses to "cook the books" to help with the higher debt the government wanted to continue to buy the "guns and butter" - until the bailout, this was the largest in US history - a redistribution scheme.
"In 1983 Congress changed the law by specifically authorizing the taxation of Social Security benefits." Remember that - so who was in charge?
What this sight points out is how much FDR LIED to the people to get us into socialism and how the .gov continues to TRICK us to take our money and make sure it ends up in the International Banks (the Fed).
This is only one part of a HUGE system designed to remove money from the Americans pockets and transfer it into the pockets of the political whores and their masters.
If only more people understood how evil our banking system is and how intertwined the MSM, .gov, and the Fed were it would scare the pants off of them - they operate a confidence game and the history of banking is a history of fraud. It doesn't matter what they admit to in public, if less than one per cent research it and understand the few who recite it are ridiculed.
"If governments should refran from regulation ...the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer."- The Econiomic consequences of The Peace, by John Maynard Keynes (1920) - One of the most evil men in banking and government control I can think of, and most don't even know who this devil was.
Social Security was ALWAYS a ponzi scheme and it is about to FAIL.
I understand the Cassandra effect - I see it more than I would like - but I will not let it censor what is important...
I am trying to point out the looming problems that we need to address - personally I don't think we can fix them, only warn our fellow Americans of what is about to happen - evil men in government and banking put us in this position and I am convinced that it was a clear plan... get ready.
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