I have never been comfortable with the title "survivalist", I have used it before, but you will note I used the term "preparedness" as I consider myself a student of history and politics and because of this I support "preparedness" as I am convinced that we are facing the worst crash to hit the world from the fall of the Roman Empire. I feel that we have become so interdependent that it will be dangerous and painful to return to even regional self-support.
I have seen a strange turn on the web as of late, an unusual amount of "survivalists" who have taken to removing logic and reason from their daily thinking.
They are in several sub-categories, the three main views I see are:
A. The crash is coming but it will not be that bad and big .gov will stay in full power (this is an extension of the same flawed thinking they use to support this idea).
B, People will group up but will ignore thousands of years of culture and ethnic ties.
C. Many have taken to flawed neocon thinking listening to such plants and hacks as Glen Beck, Rush, Hanity and promoting the neocon war-hawk agendas.
The A type, have an unconscious faith (in an almost religious nature) that the government is actually competent. Of course it has not been competent for generations, but it has grown larger and gained more support from the truly competent the "Industrial complexes" and the Major Media forces along with Political Action Committees supported by men of nefarious intent from universities, political/religious groups and international financial institutions.
The powers that be have overstepped their bounds and are going to fail, and to tie into group B the ethnic stress in this country will not be able to be overcome when basic services stop - the large cities will tear themselves apart.
The B type, seeped in deep political and religious backed multicultural conditioning and propaganda they fail to see that all empires fail and they all fail from the forced grouping of various multi-ethnic groups. Sadly when FORCED into multicultural high population groups ethnic and religious stress becomes a dangerous pressure cooker. What I have found traveling the world is that people are and can be quite gracious and friendly when NOT forced into cooperation but when a reward is presented such as trade and cultural exchange.
The C type, often have left-over MSM conditioning and are reverting to the FALSE right-wing hacks that are actually left-wing oligarchical supporting neocons of the Trotskyite type. Beware of this type of propaganda, it is ruinous and supportive of empire an empire doomed to fail.
The question is not if we are going to fall but WHEN the empire will fail and how bad, harbor no illusions, this will be bad adding delusion does not help.
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