Sunday, April 3, 2011

Review firearm facts rationally

Anti-gunners are emotionally and reactionary, not rational and logical!

Not everyone who does not march lockstep progressive's version of "liberal" is on the "other side" political thought is far more complicated than that... (Liberal/progressives have that GW Bush "yur on our side or the terrrsstst side" mental block most of the time, it has to be some type of sickness!)

I for one don't like getting lumped in with the brainless neocon republicans because I happen to be anti-statist, and don't want the "nanny state" giving us five year plans, in fact I hate the "conservatives" as much as I pity the "progressives".

We need to review this rationally, and with a bit more mature analytical skills than most American have the ability to tolerate (massive ADD).

I have pointed out multiple times how political neophytes continue to argue like the religiously fundamentalist argue, that is without thinking rationally or logically.

When we argue with the religious or political fundamentalist we often have to break down to this simple axiom - you are entitled to your own opinion, but you are NOT entitled to you own FACTS!

You continue to see the anti-gun and anti-self defense propaganda but you almost never see it presented in context, one of the favorite tricks of the manipulative parasites who run the ever so profitable anti-gun groups is to bleat incessantly about "the children".

Below are the FACTS.

 Now don't get me wrong, every death listed below is a tragedy, because they are not caused by nature, illness, biology, or age. Every death listed from drug overdose to car crash is or could be preventable - and that is absolutely tragic.

The CDC Website is where you can break down the data from totals by age, race, hispanic/non, sex, and region/state, it becomes more interesting when you use the tools to break it down.

To keep this on the up and up and not have the stupid anti-gunners twisting the numbers I present all the age groups as listed by the CDC, the anti-gunners like to count all 19 years old or younger as "children" and of course this is absolutely stupid as we well know a teen thug is not the same as a 5 year old kid!

 You will also often see the anti-gun bunch lump in numbers from murder/homicide and I want to review this later, but it is not in the scope of this particular post and it's subject review.

The below are all numbers for the TOTAL of the USA for a full year (2007 the most recent year available) ALL races/ethnic groups, BOTH sexes, and I added the Non Hispanic White numbers on firearms for comparison (NHW).

What shocked me is that the numbers for accidental/unintentional death by firearm were much LOWER than I had expected, I understood it would be low, but not even into the quad digits for each age group was shocking for a population of 330 million.

What was even more shocking to me is that although the numbers of personal firearms has risen considerably the actual numbers of accidental/unintentional death by firearms has DROPPED slowly from 1999, statistically I would expect a rise to match the rise in the number of guns, so BRAVO to parents and adults for improvement of their gun safety!

The category of focus is "unintentional injury" most recent figures from including all ages where "unintentional injury" is the most prevalent cause of death, all races, both sexes.

Unintentional injury is the #1 cause of death ages 1 year to 44 years, after 44 this drops to #3,4, and 9 (65+) I have included the first two listed #1 and #2 cause of death under "unintentional injury". There are typically 6 to 12 causes of unintentional injury from #2 to the firearm category in each age group.

The Firearm category is broken into the following sub categories.

Handgun discharge (the highest category for ages 5-14 this seems to be "playing with handgun" and is in both age ranges 50% or more of the deaths by firearm).

Rifle, shotgun, and larger firearm discharge (Hunting/Sporting related - the highest for the 14-34 age range "hunting accidents").

Unspecified firearms discharge from "other" and additions/combination of first two categories as unreported/not categorized to CDC.

 (this also includes "death by LEO/police incompetence" in all three subcategories)

So here are the numbers.

Age 35-44

Poisoning - 44.7% (Total Deaths: 7575, OD recreational drugs/alcohol 7368)

Motor Vehicle - 36.2% (Total Deaths: 6135)

Firearm - .5% (Total Deaths: 91, NHW 65)

Age 25-34

Poisoning - 45.7% (Total Deaths: 6842, OD recreational drugs/alcohol 5553)

Motor Vehicle - 38.1% (Total Deaths: 5700)

Firearm - .6% (Total Deaths: 94, NHW 47)

Age 15-24

Motor Vehicle - 64.6% (Total Deaths: 10272)

Poisoning - 19.9% (Total Deaths: 3159, OD recreational drugs/alcohol 3047)

Firearm - 1% (Total Deaths: 155, NHW 72)

Age 10-14

Motor Vehicle - 56.6% (Total Deaths: 696)

Drowning - 19.9% (Total Deaths: 102)

Firearm - 2.1% (Total Deaths: 26, NHW 20)

Age 5-9

Motor Vehicle - 47.3% (Total Deaths: 456)

Fire/Burn - 14.1% (Total Deaths: 136)

Firearm - 2.1% (Total Deaths: 20, NHW 8)

Age 1-4

Drowning - 28.8% (Total Deaths: 458)

Motor Vehicle - 20.7% (Total Deaths: 428)

Firearm - 1.1% (Total Deaths: 18, NHW 8)

In summation, you are far safer at a range full of citizens firing full automatic weapons than you would be driving to the grocery store, drinking beer, or taking your choice of intoxicating substances!

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