Sunday, April 3, 2011

Oligarchy’s power the biology and why they fear the people

Do you believe there is evil?

Not a religious spiritual based "evil force" a real observable source for destruction and parasitic actions.

Do you think there are humans on the earth that due to their narcissism and amoral superior convictions are predatory and evil? Have you ever meet one or more of the elite?

The more you look closely and study the power structure the more your eyes will be opened, I believe this is a good thing. I became aware and was awakened to the false left/right in the early 1980's, once you see it, you can never return to your former state of blissful ignorance, and sadly the more you study the worse and more evil you find the structure and it's masters. This octopus like power structure stretches from banking to the MSM.

If you think that elite of the media (MSM) will continue the broadcast of shows due only to the capitalistic gain of money you have not researched this issue enough to understand. The MSM will take huge monetary hits to promote the propaganda schedule. The MSM is NOT just a "money maker" and never has been it is a control mechanism primarily used to produce power, connections and only after the goals are reached the profit. There are many examples of exactly this situation playing out documented over the last 50 years.

The MSM is an integrated propaganda mechanism for the oligarchy. The MSM masters are part of the oligarchy, the whores in government are only puppets, with a few "insider elite" dusted in for good measure. Why bother to go over the obvious? - because there is a connection and I will illuminate what I think is an issue rarely touched on if not outright ignored, the eliete and their incestuous nature.

People ask "why I don't you believe in conspiracy theories"? my answer is: it is just is not necessary!

Think for a moment, or better yet research the power elite, the connections and families of the elite... they are all intermarried, they all go to the same schools, join the same secret groups, smoke at the same exclusive clubs, eat at the same places, go to the same parties, travel to the same vacation spots, and all use and abuse their willing lickspittles, sometimes trading and sharing the same whores (doves or ravens).

Do you think the oligarchy corporate, social, and political will be unable to manipulate any system eventually breaking it and twisting it to their desires? They buy what they need now, including the political and pulpit whores. I am afraid I often fall on the side of the horrid and terrible revolutionary, the kind good citizens find crude, and the power structure consider dangerous. I respect Thomas Jefferson for not only his intelligence but his bloody minded revolutionary sprit.

I have my own view on why the French revolution was a failure. The failure was that they did not (or were not allowed to, or were not aggressive enough) expand out to finish off ALL of the royalty and rid us forever of what would become part of the modern elite oligarchy.

Pray for a crash, pray for war, pray for massive upheaval because without the chance for the removal of the oligarchy, slavery is the future for our children. I believe suppression and removal from power of this parasitic elite is the only viable path we have open outside of the eventual total submission they expect. We have for generations literally allowed the elite to breed themselves into a genetically parasitic and exclusive class that the oligarchy recruits agents and leadership. The elite both makes (breeds) and converts or assimilates form the upward moving wealthy and merchant class.

The ruling oligarchy has been interbreeding for hundreds of years producing a predatory class that is growing throughout the ranks of business, military, the media, and higher education. The elite and it's oligarchy have transcended politics centuries ago and became a biological force by evolution. I am not promoting the typical false flag or agent provocateur diversionary "reptilian invader" but a true home-grown self supporting and evolving incestuous political and biological force.

What I have just entered is likely the most politically incorrect thing I have ever posted, and some will instantly place it into the category of totally batshit crazy politics, not only would I have agreed years ago I would not blame you now. The former is my own personal theory and it has taken form over the last 30 years, it is not something I take lightly and not something I make a habit of posting or talking about in public. I would only ask that before you discard the thought consider it carefully.

I do believe there is evil, because I am convinced I have seen it, I think this evil among us presents a problem.

I have posted before that I do not think the elite need a start chamber, the elite of the oligarchy already think the same way, react the same way and all want to preserve and advance their own special biological class/pod/group.

Have you ever wondered why the Masons were so powerful and pervasive and now they are almost an empty shell of what they once were? I think it is because they are no longer needed as a vehicle to bring the predatory wealthy banking and merchant class into possession of the key positions of power.

Currently the remnants of the old empires and royalty share the same genetics and share the new oligarchy with their new assimilated converts. I believe all of the neo-royal and neo-wealthy along with groups like the Masons never wanted to eliminate that class or remove the old oligarchy or royalty, they simply wanted to join it, to have their "slice of the pie". The tools are always abandoned when not needed.

After the success of the new American empire, and the general takeover of the oligarcal Hamiltonians that aggressive predatory class joined the slothful royal class to form a new elite. I think it is a fascinating example of a possibly unintended or deliberate evolutionary biological change directed by social power and politics.

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