Sunday, April 3, 2011

Favoring blind submission to perceived authority


1. of, relating to, or favoring blind submission to authority
2. of, relating to, or favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constrained by law or responsible to the populace.

If you can stomach this propaganda - listen very carefully and note how the "professor" is not using the word "authoritarian" correctly how it is twisted deliberately to deflect the application to the equally delusional politically correct statist "left".

Notice the propaganda, the notion that the false left is "free thinking" and the false right is authoritarian. Both the false left and false right will control their sheeple with propaganda promoting the false idea of free thinking, patriotism, correct thinking, righteousness of cause, and political correctness. Acting like cheerleaders screeching about the evils of the "other side" deflecting any identification of the problems in their own ideology.

Note how this "professor" is another cheerleader with a disingenuous promotion of his chosen (or assigned) political deception.

The professor said "I dont wanna bore your audience with statistical numbers" - and why is that?
Of course the "reporter" never questions this position.

The propaganda is more and more sophisticated and targeted, but is so specialized that it becomes identifiable and ineffective when not viewed by the specified target.

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