One thing that causes this is running up against an irrational pontificator typically an elitist who has the nerve to spew that an armed citizen is more dangerous than the state.
Fact is a fact, the "state" or states current and historical are the greatest murderers of all time, with staggering numbers that are hard for the common man to even comprehend.
The liberal I worry about is the snotty elitist that would tell another, "I don't have an icky gun and therefore you don't need one either, lets just change the laws and have the big, strong, nanny state just take away all your penis extensions" a childish bully-like attitude of "if I can't have it (or too incompetent, afraid and insecure) you can't", to me that seems to be a clear sign of some form of narcissistic disorder.
Sigmund Freud is often attached to a misattributed quote about weapons that is used mistakenly by the "pro-gun" lobby. What is more interesting is that in Oppenheim vs. Tanay disputing "Neurotic Attachment to Guns" (by Tany - the original source for the "penis extensions" bullshit), what is missed are other more relevant quotes and ideas by Freud where Freud associates retarded sexual and emotional development not with gun ownership, but with fear and loathing of all weapons - blowing (ha) the penis extension argument out of the water.
I am not an anarchist, I am however anti-statist in the same way Jefferson and other agrarians (who are minarchists) who understand the potential evil of the "state" and it's long history of murder and manipulation by predatory parasites. Even Jefferson later in life would come to lament the abuse of state power he had while president!
Many statist will assert that a state is the only way to achieve "great things" of course a nation of taxpaying serfs in lockstep can accomplish many great things, and MUCH evil. Some would use our trip to the moon and a defense for statism they are under the impression that the "space" program's real goal was to go to the moon. A quick search of history shows that the original goal of the "space program" was to provide an outlet for the needed science and a non-military outer shell (remember the cold war) to help progress with advanced missile systems! - gotta love the "state" - this was basically a message to the other side - see we can go to the moon in a tin-can, we can send a big nasty bomb into your living room in Moscow!.
Many statist will assert that a state is good by virtue of power, "look at how big, great, and powerful the US is", this is called the Rudyard Kipling defense, because his major critics stated that he only loved the Empire because it was powerful.
We need to be honest the only reason Europe and Germany in particular is where they are now (and not 50 years ahead of us) is not because we were bigger and therefore better but because we let the Soviets grind their people on the eastern front and pushed from the other front - eliminating the productive competition. Our supremacy in the world was from an act of "competition elimination" an artificial temporary monopoly on advanced production - the "last man standing".
The Soviet Union with the help of the US (and the incompetence of the German Chancellor) pitched lots of supplies and men into the grinder of WWII and then crushed Germany. The victors stripped the country down attempting to implement the Morgenthau plan. The US later would determine that the Soviet Union was a new "threat" and could crank up the military industrial complex again, now without competition from Gremany and Japan, and with loads of new skilled workers and production capacity we built an empire that would later start to fall apart. Adding a side note, the Soviet system fell on it's own weight (not because of Reagan's cold war shenanigans - they only accelerated it) just as the far to huge and far too divided US will eventually.
The Soviet Union with the help of the US (and the incompetence of the German Chancellor) pitched lots of supplies and men into the grinder of WWII and then crushed Germany. The victors stripped the country down attempting to implement the Morgenthau plan. The US later would determine that the Soviet Union was a new "threat" and could crank up the military industrial complex again, now without competition from Gremany and Japan, and with loads of new skilled workers and production capacity we built an empire that would later start to fall apart. Adding a side note, the Soviet system fell on it's own weight (not because of Reagan's cold war shenanigans - they only accelerated it) just as the far to huge and far too divided US will eventually.
This all was a long time coming, and connecting the dots is often painful, we all had the same propaganda of patriotism shoved into our heads - we wanted to believe it! But we are depressed and saddened because our favorite neighbor turned out to be a child molester!
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