Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thoughts on Jeffersonian type Agrarianism

Jeffersonian though is characterized by the following elements, which the Jeffersonians expressed in their speeches and legislation: (This is my personal modification from some web sources)

Modern Agrarianism understands the weaknesses and flaws in the current Constitution and that far more restrictions on government and freedom and protection for the individual should be enumerated.

1. The core political value of America is a legally (Constitutionally) controlled and limited democratically elected representative government. Citizens have a civic duty to aid the community and resist corruption, especially monarchism and aristocracy, this could be translated to corporatism and elitist oligarchy today.

2. The yeoman farmer, and in current modern times, the skilled craftsman best exemplifies civic virtue and independence from corrupting populist (formally seen as corrupted and greedy urban populism) social influences. Government policy should be for the benefit of the individual as well as the community. Financiers, bankers and industrialists make cities the cesspools of corruption, and should be discouraged and minimized.

3. Americans had a duty to spread what Jefferson called the ideas of enlightenment theory "Empire of Liberty” to the world, but should avoid "entangling alliances," that is, increase the desire for freedom by example not by war or manipulation (read as CIA/NSA type covert actions).

4. The national government is a dangerous and possibly temporary necessity to be instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation or community; it should be watched closely and severely circumscribed in its powers.

5. The wall of separation between church and state is the best method to keep religion free from intervention and corruption by the federal government, government free of religious disputes, and religion must be kept from government to prevent the despotism of theocracy the most dangerous of all oligarchies.

6. The federal, state, and local governments must not violate the rights of individuals. The Bill of Rights is a central theme, protection for personal property, access to justice, and individual freedom must be paramount.

7. The federal government must not violate the rights of the (nation) states (the regional communities).

8. Freedom of speech and the press is the best method to prevent the tyranny of the people by their own government. Monopolies in media should be suppressed and foreign involvement in media and entertainment should be rejected, exposed, and suppressed. Personal media such as a free internet should be protected and encouraged.

9. A standing army and navy are dangerous to liberty and should be avoided; much better was to use economic coercion such as the embargo and use of the Letter of Marque and Reprisal. Protection of the national borders is the only legitimate use of any military forces, the Government should be restricted from use of any military forces outside of the borders of the nation.

10. The amendments to the United States Constitution known as the Bill of Rights, along with the limitations enumerated in the Constitution were written in the sprit of ensuring the freedom of the people. The Bill of Rights was a stop-gap addition added to attempt to control the obvious problems with the Federalist Constitution. A strict view of how and why the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written should be kept. However, society can not make a perpetual constitution or even a perpetual law. Flexibility should always be given to the living generation, so long as all individual rights remain the primary focus in guarantee.

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