Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Public domain Farm and Industry

We are looking for people who are interested in building the world's first replicable open source self-sufficient decentralized permaculture village - to transcend survival and evolve to freedom.

Public domain Farm and industry plans.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Open Carry for rights

Fear the government that fears your guns?

How about distrust anyone who distrusts or disrespects your rights!

Secession, War and the Empire

Thomas Woods explores the “what if” and why of the war of the Federalist state and the States.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Why authoritarians have problems with wars

Ever wonder why the US military can’t win wars?

Why a few ragtag guerillas could send it running out of Somalia (Black Hawk Down)? Why one guy with a truck bomb could chase the Marines out of Lebanon? Why the attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran was such a disaster? Why the world’s most expensive military can’t win its unending wars against peasants with rifles? How is this possible?

The relentless affirmation of their lethality leads to underestimation of the enemy. Before you stick your hand into a hornets’ nest, it is well to examine the hornets. We don’t. The Taliban are primitive mountain-crawlers with AKs. “No problem, sir! We can take them. We’re the best equipped etc.” In an ancient war of classical antiquity, the Vietnamese were held in contempt as rice-propelled paddy maggots. No problem, sir. We’ve got fighter planes and tanks and endless zip-wowees. Everything but understanding and curiosity.

Remember when Reagan called the Mujahideen freedom-fighters?

Atlantic Seaboard Northern Elitism (Starve the Monkeys)

Give New York the finger.

How many volunteers from New York helped Tennessee?

Let them rot.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Give the finger to the “rat race"

Have you ever thought of just “pulling the cord” and dropping out?

You cannot be arrested for NOT working, non-compliance is not violent and does not have to involve handcuffs and pepper spray.

One way to put it is to “starve the monkies” as Mayberry has posted, is it a bad thing to simply “stop everything” live without the crap and even live as a poor drop-out?

How about the deliberate choice of “dropping out” planing and preparing for this as a protest?

What if you are removed from your wage-slave job, what is this is a consequence of the economy?

Over a decade ago I lost everything, job, savings, blackballed by locals and homeless with wife and children. Living in a camping trailer we not only survived we thrived and now we are happy with a more traditional “nuclear family” with a working dad and stay-at-home mom. I did not choose this event (actually a string of events) and it was a very hard and stressful time, but in the end it was the best thing to eve happen to the family and me personally. The stress is the issue, had this been foreseen I could have planned for the events and even pulled the cord myself.

What if you decide to starve the state? What if you decide to follow the famous “drop-outs” like Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or David Crocket? Not in that stupid worthless leftist statist slacktivist or the dream-catcher fire circle new-age way but a real planned deliberate effort.

Supporting an evil system is participating in the evil yourself!

Could you plan to become a non-issue and also a non-support for the state within the state - of course you can! Would your life be better if you followed your dream as an independent craftsman or working poor? Is the stress of the rat-race worth the now worthless money?

Plan now, the had of change is upon us now - or even pull the cord yourself, to plan and implement is better than forcing your plan on the fly - I can back that up with my own experience.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ass backward political authoritarians

In the wake of the Koran burning controversy, Sen. Lindsey Graham was quick to call for limiting free speech but never the wars we fight allegedly to protect these same freedoms.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Civilian open-carry facts

Fact: 11% of police shootings kill an innocent person - about 2% of shootings by citizens kill an innocent person.

Fact: Police firearm retention is a problem. Hundreds of firearms are missing
from the FBI alone and 449 of them have been involved in crimes.

Legal gun owners are actually members of the most law abiding citizens in the US.

Police do not get into the profession to carry a firearm. Citizens who carry, typically have an interest in firearms and protecting themselves and their family, and self-trained in ways that make them more familiar with the weapons they carry than the average police officer. 

Many propose the training and permitting of firearm carry, the moment a right is restricted to permitted owners it no longer is a right but becomes a privilege granted by the state.

Trading a right for a privilege is never a reasonable barter, that is unless such support comes from the political statist who supports removing self-protection rights.

The criminal minority sadly has set the standard by reason the statist anti-gun people use to trample on the rights of the responsible citizen. There are sadly far too many laws supposed to punish the criminal and irresponsible people that encroach on the rights of the responsible citizen.


Milton Friedman on the flaw of the welfare state

Professor Milton Friedman explains basic fallacies on which the welfare state has been built.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Rapid Simplification of Complex Societies

The collapse of complex societies of the past can inform the present on the risks of collapse. Dr. Joseph Tainter, author of the book The Collapse of Complex societies, and featured in Leonardo Dicaprio's film The Eleventh Hour, details the factors that led to the collapse of past civilizations including the Roman Empire.

This is part 1 of 5 of a keynote talk delivered to the 2010 International Conference on Sustainability: Energy, Economy, and Environment organized by Local Future nonprofit and directed by Aaron Wissner.

America's brightest minds on the fraud of the banks

They knew and they warned us, that our downfall would not be from war from the outside but from despotism fostered by the parasites in banking becoming powerful then taking the strings as puppet-masters.

Two articles to watch and follow and continue your research.

Every American who calls themselves a patriot MUST understand the evils of banking and how the fraud of fractional reserve banking - you must understand how this is used to control this country. Thomas Jefferson knew this and warned us about banking.

America's brightest historical minds speak to you about monetary reform.

Top 10 Americans for monetary reform

“Experience, more prevalent than all the logic in the world, has fully convinced us all, that it (paper money issued directly by government) has been, and is now of the greatest advantages to the country.” – Benjamin Franklin, The American Weekly Mercury, March 27, 1729.

“The utility of this currency became by time and experience so evident as never afterwards to be much disputed.” – Benjamin Franklin, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

“All the perplexities, confusions, and distresses in America arise, not from defects in their constitution or confederation, not from a want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.” – John Adams, letter to Thomas Jefferson (1787-08-25), The Works of John Adams

“This institution (privately-owned central banks) is one of the most deadly hostility against the principles of our Constitution…suppose a series of untoward events should occur…an institution like this…in a critical moment might upset (overthrow) the government.” – Thomas Jefferson, December 1803 letter to Treasury Secretary, Albert Gallatin.

More here.

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin . . . . Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. . . . Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. . . . But, if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit."
- Sir Josiah Stamp

Self-delusion among the survivalists

I have never been comfortable with the title "survivalist", I have used it before, but you will note I used the term "preparedness" as I consider myself a student of history and politics and because of this I support "preparedness" as I am convinced that we are facing the worst crash to hit the world from the fall of the Roman Empire. I feel that we have become so interdependent that it will be dangerous and painful to return to even regional self-support.

I have seen a strange turn on the web as of late, an unusual amount of "survivalists" who have taken to removing logic and reason from their daily thinking.

They are in several sub-categories, the three main views I see are:

A. The crash is coming but it will not be that bad and big .gov will stay in full power (this is an extension of the same flawed thinking they use to support this idea).

B, People will group up but will ignore thousands of years of culture and ethnic ties.

C. Many have taken to flawed neocon thinking listening to such plants and hacks as Glen Beck, Rush, Hanity and promoting the neocon war-hawk agendas.

The A type, have an unconscious faith (in an almost religious nature) that the government is actually competent. Of course it has not been competent for generations, but it has grown larger and gained more support from the truly competent the "Industrial complexes" and the Major Media forces along with Political Action Committees supported by men of nefarious intent from universities, political/religious groups and international financial institutions.

The powers that be have overstepped their bounds and are going to fail, and to tie into group B the ethnic stress in this country will not be able to be overcome when basic services stop - the large cities will tear themselves apart.

The B type, seeped in deep political and religious backed multicultural conditioning and propaganda they fail to see that all empires fail and they all fail from the forced grouping of various multi-ethnic groups. Sadly when FORCED into multicultural high population groups ethnic and religious stress becomes a dangerous pressure cooker. What I have found traveling the world is that people are and can be quite gracious and friendly when NOT forced into cooperation but when a reward is presented such as trade and cultural exchange.

The C type, often have left-over MSM conditioning and are reverting to the FALSE right-wing hacks that are actually left-wing oligarchical supporting neocons of the Trotskyite type. Beware of this type of propaganda, it is ruinous and supportive of empire an empire doomed to fail.

The question is not if we are going to fall but WHEN the empire will fail and how bad, harbor no illusions, this will be bad adding delusion does not help.

Facts about gun carry

What the gun control groups don't tabulate is how many homicides have been averted by a licensed, concealed handgun.

Kleck, who has done extensive research on the topic, says it is "quite reasonable to expect that thousands of lives are saved by defensive gun use by persons who carried guns in public places." Even if he's wrong, it would take only a handful of such incidents to offset the homicides "caused" by concealed-carry laws.

The problem for opponents is that they have sown fear from the beginning, only to harvest a meager crop. A generation ago, few states allowed concealed-carry. When Florida captured national attention by legalizing it in 1987, critics forecast mass carnage. When other states followed suit, the same predictions were heard.

But they turned out to be false alarms. Instead of an epidemic of violence, the nation saw a drop. Since 1991, the murder rate has been cut nearly in half. You don't have to believe that "shall-issue" laws caused the decline to grasp that they certainly didn't get in the way.

The record of the past two decades demonstrates that you can strengthen the right of law-abiding adults to protect themselves against crime without making the world more dangerous.


Only 7 states and the District of Columbia prohibit open carry of a firearm. Most are places you would expect like New York . A couple are the states most people mistakenly think allow open carry such as Texas and Florida. That means that 43 states allow some form of open carry of a firearm.

How history kills propaganda, gun control

I have presented this before but I wanted to review the folly of using bumper sticker propaganda to promote or detract from one political agenda or the other.

All the dictators agree - gun control works... Sounds great, wonderful propaganda hot off the press to use in the promotion of an idea - sadly in one aspect we take the low ground with simplistic platitudes...

The NSDAP and gun control.

Read the real and unbiased history and be shocked if you have never seen this material.

The limited sense is that gun laws for both ethnic Germans and non-German ethnic people were greatly released as compared to the Weimar (leftist/socialist) under NSDAP. Later gun laws were to be greatly increased for non-German ethnic people (Jews, Gypsies, and some specific Church members considered "dangerous"). This makes it almost impossible to make a simple clear answer the the question - the typical American wants a simple answer, and in politics and political history a simple answer is difficult to "boil down to".

Weimar Germany's laws were the basis for the Gun Control Act of 1968 and strangely even they had to remove some restrictions from an earlier transition period.

Both the NSDAP and the Soviets depended on loyal local bureaucracies to extend power, and in many cases this translated to extreme inconsistencies in practice.

The difference is that generally the "right" is gun friendly for it's "approved groups" and the "left" is very gun restrictive, clearly Obamonation is leftist - as gun owners this will bode ILL for us.

For a critique of the JPFO argument and identification of their work as "cultural" and how you have strange bedfellows in the "pro-gun" movement... Worth the read, an accurate look at the strange bedfellows pro and con...

Critique of gun control propaganda, pro and con - PDF

"The 1928 law put into effect a strict licensing scheme that covered all
aspects of firearms—from the manufacture to the sale, including repair and
even reloading ammunition.68 It explicitly revoked the 1919 Regulations on
Weapons Ownership,69 which had banned all firearms possession, and thereby
liberalized firearms regulation. As Halbrook himself notes, based on review of
contemporaneous newspaper reports and official commentary, “the 1928 law
was seen as deregulatory to a point but enforceable, in contrast to a far more
restrictive albeit unenforceable [1919] order.”70 Halbrook continues: “Within
a decade, Germany had gone from a brutal firearms seizure policy which, in
times of unrest, entailed selective yet immediate execution for mere possession
of a firearm, to a modern, comprehensive gun control law.”71
Second, with regard to gun possession, the 1938 Nazi gun laws
represented a further liberalization of gun control regulations. In fact, most of
the changes in the law reflected a loosening of the regulations, not a tightening.
The Weapons Law of March 18, 1938, is patterned on the Law on Firearms
and Ammunition of April 12, 1928. The two laws have the same structure,
similar section headings, and broadly similar language."

"The Minister of the Interior, Frick, passed
Regulations Against Jew’s Possession of Weapons on November 11, 1938,
which effectively deprived all Jews of the right to possess firearms or other
weapons. It was a regulation prohibiting Jews from having any dangerous
weapon—not just guns. Under the regulations, Jews “are prohibited from
acquiring, possessing, and carrying firearms and ammunition, as well as
truncheons or stabbing weapons. Those now possessing weapons and
ammunition are at once to turn them over to the local police authority.”95
Moreover, prior to that, the German police and Nazis used the 1938 firearms
law as an excuse to disarm Jews. In Breslau, for instance, the city police chief
decreed the seizure of all firearms from Jews on the ground that “the Jewish
population ‘cannot be regarded as trustworthy’”—the language from the 1928
and 1938 firearms laws.96
It seems fair to conclude, then, that the 1938 Nazi gun law represented
a slight relaxation of gun control. Though the Nazis were intent on killing
Jews and used the gun laws to that effect, they aspired to relaxation of gun
laws for the “ordinary” or “law-abiding” German citizen, for those who were
not, in their twisted minds, “enemies of the National Socialist state."

Just not a simple or clear answer, unless you want to boil it down to - if you don't like or trust someone, make sure they don't have weapons... but that is almost too simple to be useful in anything but the bumper sticker level conversation.

Granola yuppies prove liberals and progressives have nothing

Stop with the left vs Right crap. When I ripped into Bush's policies I was accused of being a liberal. When I rip into Obama's policies which are the SAME policies I am accused of being a conservative no actually worse, a racist. Janean Garofalo Has exposed her tribalism stating that people opposing Obama only do so because he is black and they are racist. I was waiting for some liberal nut to say that. It was only a mtter of time before they tried to hide behind a race card after there is no where left to run or way to rationalized Obama's Neocons like behavior.
- Rys2sense

We live in two Americas, America the Illiterate

Two Americas

Illiterate America

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Eighty-five percent of juveniles who come before the courts are functionally illiterate. Half the heads of households classified below the poverty line by federal standards cannot read an eighth grade book. Over one third of mothers who receive support from welfare are functionally illiterate.

Illiteracy - Major U.S. Problem

63 percent of prison inmates cannot read

The Flynn effect, how liberals lie to themselves.

IQ Bashing, Breakdancing, The Flynn Effect, and Genes

Tests of cognitive ability correlate with each other--people who do well on one test tend to do well on the others. But across generations, tests involving abstract generalizations have increased the most. Performance on tests involving memory, vocabulary, and general knowledge have hardly budged.

Note how fraudulent Gladwell presents his theories.

Could America enter a process of balkanization


Could we break up after a collapse? Igor Panarin a professor in Russia wrote that we would.

I think his idea has some merit, but I think he has too little information about the US and our distinct regional cultures and did not take into account geological features. He writes he expects six regional areas - I say over 16!

I travel for business, in fact I am traveling over half the year with 2 to 3 round trips each month in just about every location in the United States, Mexico, Europe, the Near and Far East. Once you work in this way it is a hard lifestyle on your health but your services become "in demand" I from time to time take the kids or the wife so they can see the country or travel internationally. I am not a "sophisticated" traveler I travel on someone's dime not my own, and I travel almost exclusively for projects and work not recreation. I try to enjoy travel, meeting new people, and seeing new places (if you don't develop this mindset you will grow bitter) and I have survived this lifestyle now for over a decade!

My gut is telling me we are about to, and it is going to get nasty, our world is not prepared for a crash of the magnitude we are about to experience.

I made the above map based on several things, culture, ethnic composition, geographical features and limitations, the freedom scale, and political considerations.

This map is only a vague guess and based on my travels, and my impression of the local cultures, I am hyper-sensitive to subtle cultural differences and because I work and travel I see the "back room" versions of the cultures and people not what a recreational traveler would see.

My impressions;

Aztlan Emprie - Mexico and the ethnic communities within the US that are primarily of Mexican ethnic make up. In the last ten years there has been a massive change in the attitude of the conglomerated ethnic enclaves in the areas where the enclaves have become extremely resistant to cultural or lingual integration into the US. At this point I am not judging this situation but rather pointing out the possible conflict under the coming collapse and how that will possibly play out under regional conflict - better to face reality now, like it or not.

Native Territory - Possibly an area of conflict where Native American ethnic groups resist the formation of Aztlan or decide to join with the Mexican ethnic split, I think there is a large chance they will resist. The geography makes this area relatively secure because of the large effort necessary to subdue the area and low return with regional resources.

New Republic of Texas - This area will come into continual conflict with the formation of Aztlan, and honestly, the native Texicans and Tejano populations are scrapping for a fight and would not look positively on the formation of Aztlan and the loss of land. I could see a loss of land from Aztlan and other surrounding areas to invasion from the new formed Republic of Texas. Many of you who do not understand Texas culture may scoff at this, but I am very familiar with this area and it would not take much to reform as a new regional country.

New South - Predominately areas with very high populations of African-Americans an area of high chances for ethnic conflict that will be long and violent and possibly responsible for very high losses in life due to formations of ethnic based conflicting groups. I think this area will be hardest to predict the final outcome - except bloody and horrific.

New Florida - Areas of high populations of non-Hispanic white populations may get squeezed in the middle of the very real possibility of heavy African-American and Hispanic ethnic conflicts in this area, boat/sailing based escapists will be the best off.

New Cuba - The Southern Florida area where large populations of Hispanics, White-Hispanics, and non-Hispanic White populations likely will form into a conglomeration of mutual support in resistance to conflict from the New South.

Ozark South - Areas of heavy white populations that are also heavily armed and willing to use them to basically defend themselves from the regional and ethnic conflicts. There is a very real possibility that they would join or work with a new formed Republic of Texas to regain large areas of Louisiana from the New South. Expect mutual conflict with Mid American Empire, Midwest Empire, and this area is likely to form mutual assistance agreements with the New Southern Republic.

The Eastern and Mid American Empire areas - Areas of the US that tend to heavy authoritarian social alignment, the areas may form assistance agreements, but the cultural differences from Midwest and Mid American areas with the Eastern and New England authoritarian cultures most likely will conflict. The two Eastern Empires will become the most troublesome to their neighbors in attempts to gain land and resources. The Eastern elitism deeply ingrained in their culture will be their downfall as they aggravate their more freedom loving regional neighbors. With heavy urban areas the internal conflicts and losses to population will be very high, the Eastern New England area will have the heaviest proportional population losses of all the areas except the southern California Metro Hell Hole.

Northern Free Territorial regions - Areas of the US and Canada that have a more rural populations with a tendency to open and free republics heavy "pioneer" attitude and resistance to authoritarian thinking. Large wild areas with resources but a harsh life with long winters will form the northern areas into lightly populated free and open areas. The first winters after a collapse will thin the population by over 60%.

The Mormon Republic - with high populations of armed and prepared religious communities the Mormon areas will be best able to capitalize on the collapse. The Mormon churches and members are not only prepared but have religious based predictions about a collapse and are ready and organized in preparation for this event. The "gentile" populations of non-mormons will be tolerated but a concentrated effort to convert them will start immediately, the overwhelming thrust may force many non-mormon members to move into other regional areas. (I am not LDS, if any of the church members have thoughts, or predictions feel free to add them - Note: I am not in any way resistant to Mormon religious freedom or anti-Mormon as I have a great respect for the church members and their proposed and promoted family morality) The heavy Mormon areas are most likely going to be the areas with the least conflict internally.

Costal Western region - Poor California, you know Northern California will LOVE to split away from it's Southern neighbors. After a long bloody struggle that could be almost totally internal. The most capable and scrappy of the armed population will rise from the ashes to join in relief with one another in a new republic. Once internal conflict is over, woe to the areas of North West Aztlan! This conflict will be almost as violent as what I expect in the South East as retribution for the expected ethnic cleansing the Aztlan Empire will levy on her new territory.

Using political Canaries as a method of information extraction

How do you know? How do you know if political information is correct?

Watch the canary in the coal mine...

How do we weed through the deliberate disinformation and outright poor conjecture and false conclusions based on bias?

There is a method of tracking small units of fighters hiding in a general population when they can not be found in their hideout.

Mark the contacts and skirmishes on a map of the area, soon a foolish small force will start to make a large ring of contacts around their base, of course a well led unit will take this into account and form artificial rings outside of their base.

Politics can be viewed the same way, for many years now a ruling elite has used deception and distraction to keep the masses uninformed of their slavery - but this elite has operated for so long that they have made several artificial rings around the true center.

So how do you find the "rings of contact" in politics...

This is where the canary analogy/allegory comes into play, as in the air testing canary in a coal mine, think of all the fringe political types as hypersensitive to intrusion a "skirmish" if you will. When you have several elements that oppose each other start to make the same connections or complain about the same government or power structure intrusions you have to "put a pin in the map" and start to look for the center of the extensive circles of contact.

I observe and read as many of the "politically incorrect" groups and individuals as possible, I find as many of the unpopular opinions and groups as possible to read, hoping to pick up on their hypersensitivity. The far left as well as the far right, along with the off-grid escapists, greens, ethnic nationalists, religious apologists, atheists, artists, scientists, and other political outsiders - they are the canary birds, hypersensitive to changes in politics.

I think I get a better idea of the general map when I do not concentrate on just one section.

Folks, the canary birds are dropping dead of the same air ALL over the place! When the radical greens agree with the Black Nationalists, along with the radical homosexual groups, AND the White Nationalists - YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION!!!

What can we gather, clearly there is an agenda of the elite, they have overstepped their bounds and caused possible financial ruin or have intended that outcome to further a nefarious plan - regardless things are about to happen and I do not feel like they will be able to control the outcome as well as they may have planned...

We will see if we make it out of the other side, or smile to one another and our firing squads for resisting
"I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center.”
- Kurt Vonnegut

IQ and the government deliberately sabotaging education

Low intelligence has significant social effects. From "The General Intelligence Factor" by Linda S. Gottfredson (Scientific American). Original table from Intelligence, Vol. 24, No. 1; January/February 1997.

IQ by total population

<75          75-90          90-110          110-125          125+

% of total population
5%           20%             50%               20%                5%
% out of work force 1+month
22%         19%             15%               14%                10%
% unemployed 1+month
12%         10%             7%                  7%                 2%
% divorced within 5 years
21%          22%           23%                15%                 9%
% illegitimate children (women)
32%          17%           8%                   4%                  2%
% lives in poverty
30%          16%           6%                   3%                  2%
% ever incarcerated (men)
7%            7%            3%                    1%                 >1%
% chronic welfare recipients (mothers)
31%          17%           8%                   2%                 >1% 
% drop out of high school
55%          35%           6%                   >1%               >1%


And and addition not from this report, and not peer reviewed...

% religion important
85%          75%          30%                  11%                >1%

Posting the above charts should be enough to get me in the “evil right-wing oppressor" of the month category with the leftist delusional bunch.

We cannot continue to be slaves to PC thoughts that there are NO differences that can be noted scientifically in intelligence. None of us can make any strides in fixing this country if we are willing to bow to political correctness and ignore real issues.

I believe I have seen enough FACTS to point to our Government DELIBERATELY ruining the education of this country.

A PDF worth every second of the read, note this was written some time ago and it is not so clear that it is painful to read.

The Lincoln myths


President-elect Barack Obama's historic journey to his swearing-in was underway when he hopped on a train in Philadelphia. As a tribute to President Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president, who led the nation through the Civil War and ended slavery in the United States, Barack Obama traveled the same train route on a whistle-stop tour of 70 cities when he was inaugurated in 1861.

There is a good reason why the Lincoln legend has taken on such mythical proportions: Much of what Americans think they know about Abraham Lincoln is in fact a myth. Let's consider a few of the more prominent ones.

Myth #1: Lincoln invaded the South to free the slaves.

Ending slavery and racial injustice is not why the North invaded.

As Lincoln wrote to Horace Greeley on Aug. 22, 1862: "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and it is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it"

Congress announced to the world on July 22, 1861, that the purpose of the war was not "interfering with the rights or established institutions of those states" (i.e., slavery), but to preserve the Union "with the rights of the several states unimpaired." At the time of Fort Sumter (April 12, 1861) only the seven states of the deep South had seceded. There were more slaves in the Union than out of it, and Lincoln had no plans to free any of them.

The North invaded to regain lost federal tax revenue by keeping the Union intact by force of arms. In his First Inaugural Lincoln promised to invade any state that failed to collect "the duties and imposts," and he kept his promise. On April 19, 1861, the reason Lincoln gave for his naval blockade of the Southern ports was that "the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed" in the states that had seceded.

Myth #2: Lincoln's war saved the Union.

The war may have saved the Union geographically, but it destroyed it philosophically by destroying its voluntary nature. In the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, the states described themselves as "free and independent." They delegated certain powers to the federal government they had created as their agent but retained sovereignty for themselves.

This was widely understood in the North as well as the South in 1861. As the Brooklyn Daily Eagle editorialized on Nov. 13, 1860, the Union "depends for its continuance on the free consent and will of the sovereign people of each state, and when that consent and will is withdrawn on either part, their Union is gone." The New York Journal of Commerce concurred, writing on Jan. 12, 1861, that a coerced Union changes the nature of government from "a voluntary one, in which the people are sovereigns, to a despotism where one part of the people are slaves." The majority of Northern newspapers agreed.

Myth #3: Lincoln championed equality and natural rights.

His words and, more important, his actions, repudiate this myth.

"I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races," he announced in his Aug. 21, 1858, debate with Stephen Douglas. "I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position." And, "Free them [slaves] and make them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this. We cannot, then, make them equals."

In Springfield, Ill., on July 17, 1858, Lincoln said, "What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races." On Sept. 18, 1858, in Charleston, Ill., he said: "I will to the very last stand by the law of this state, which forbids the marrying of white people with Negroes."

Lincoln supported the Illinois Constitution, which prohibited the emigration of black people into the state, and he also supported the Illinois Black Codes, which deprived the small number of free blacks in the state any semblance of citizenship. He strongly supported the Fugitive Slave Act, which compelled Northern states to capture runaway slaves and return them to their owners. In his First Inaugural he pledged his support of a proposed constitutional amendment that had just passed the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives that would have prohibited the federal government from ever having the power "to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State." In his First Inaugural Lincoln advocated making this amendment "express and irrevocable."

Lincoln was also a lifelong advocate of "colonization" or shipping all black people to Africa, Central America, Haiti--anywhere but here. "I cannot make it better known than it already is," he stated in a Dec. 1, 1862, Message to Congress, "that I strongly favor colonization." To Lincoln, blacks could be "equal," but not in the United States.

Myth #4: Lincoln was a defender of the Constitution.

Quite the contrary: Generations of historians have labeled Lincoln a "dictator." "Dictatorship played a decisive role in the North's successful effort to maintain the Union by force of arms," wrote Clinton Rossiter in "Constitutional Dictatorship." And, "Lincoln's amazing disregard for the Constitution was considered by nobody as legal."

James G. Randall documented Lincoln's assault on the Constitution in "Constitutional Problems Under Lincoln." Lincoln unconstitutionally suspended the writ of habeas corpus and had the military arrest tens of thousands of Northern political opponents, including dozens of newspaper editors and owners. Some 300 newspapers were shut down and all telegraph communication was censored. Northern elections were rigged; Democratic voters were intimidated by federal soldiers; hundreds of New York City draft protesters were gunned down by federal troops; West Virginia was unconstitutionally carved out of Virginia; and the most outspoken member of the Democratic Party opposition, Congressman Clement L. Vallandigham of Ohio, was deported. Duly elected members of the Maryland legislature were imprisoned, as was the mayor of Baltimore and Congressman Henry May. The border states were systematically disarmed in violation of the Second Amendment and private property was confiscated. Lincoln's apologists say he had "to destroy the Constitution in order to save it."

Myth #5: Lincoln was a "great humanitarian" who had "malice toward none." 

This is inconsistent with the fact that Lincoln micromanaged the waging of war on civilians, including the burning of entire towns populated only by civilians; massive looting and plundering; rape; and the execution of civilians (See Mark Grimsley, "The Hard Hand of War"). Pro-Lincoln historian Lee Kennett wrote in "Marching Through Georgia" that, had the Confederates somehow won, they would have been justified in "stringing up President Lincoln and the entire Union high command" as war criminals.

Myth #6: War was necessary to end slavery.

During the 19th century, dozens of countries, including the British and Spanish empires, ended slavery peacefully through compensated emancipation. Among such countries were Argentina, Colombia, Chile, all of Central America, Mexico, Bolivia, Uruguay, the French and Danish colonies, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. (Lincoln did propose compensated emancipation for the border states, but coupled his proposal with deportation of any freed slaves. He failed to see it through, however). Only in America was war associated with emancipation.

In sum, the power of the state ultimately rests upon a series of myths about the alleged munificence of our rulers. Nothing serves this purpose better than the Lincoln myth. This should be kept in mind by all who visit the new Lincoln statue in Richmond.

THOMAS DILORENZO is the author of "The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War" and a professor of economics at Loyola College in Baltimore.

The Southern Avenger presents a short subject film.

When South Carolina NAACP President Lonnie Randolph criticized Obama recently, comparing the president honoring Confederate soldiers at Arlington Cemetery on Memorial Day to paying tribute to Adolph Hitler, it was worth pointing out how Abraham Lincoln was much more similar to the Nazi dictator than Southern soldiers fighting for their country's independence.

Cassandra effect and Social Security

You need to understand this is not about saying anyone does not deserve what they pay into, but to talk about how YOU have had your money STOLEN and you need to understand what is about to happen!

If you expect retirement or Social Security - YOU NEED TO MAKE PLANS NOW, it will not be there for you and you need to understand it was stolen from you, please remember who you can "thank" for this when the time comes.

The coming disaster - Social Security is going to disappear as more reach retirement than can support this SOCIALIST plan.

This is all much deeper than anyone is wanting to come to terms with...

We also have to come to terms with the fact that many of the most productive in the country will be retiring soon leaving a smaller section of productive people and millions of Illegals hungry for a smaller amount of money produced by the not-yet retired.

A statistical disaster is about to happen, and that is the massive retirement of the "baby-boomers" leaving much smaller populations of productive workers to cover larger proportions of retired people.

Our economy will not handle what is about to happen... and our government seems to be intent on driving us faster into the pit.

Our mistake would be in thinking that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid were ever good ideas or that they were ever Constitutional...

If a private company or individual started a pyramid scam like Social Security they would end up in prison for most of their adult lives, but whorish and evil politicians such as FDR are even called "great" for their treason.

I don't begrudge any reaching retirement your thoughts that you deserve you money back,
but you have to understand your parents, my parents, and all of us were TRICKED.

We were TRICKED into thinking this was all a good idea and told it was acceptable or even Constitutional - it was not and is not.

If you are of retirement age you most likely will see the end of Social Security, I KNOW I will never see a penny of it and I am PLANNING for this problem. I know I cannot "get out" of that
"voluntary" system, so I am not begrudging the retirement aged the money the government has stolen from all the taxpayers to keep a valuable and large voting block happy, it is all everyone for himself after all!

It is theft, it will always be theft, and it will continue to be an issue for this country.

I am not saying that someone who has worked their lives does not deserve a retirement they paid into - what I am saying is that is was THEFT and redistribution and was wrong from the beginning.

I am also saying that anyone on retirement NOW that will likely live long enough to see the next ten years will continue to see less and less of that VALUE (as the money will be worth less and less) and most likely will see the END of that system - you should be prepared to re-enter the workforce when this Social Security system collapses.

The simple fact is that there are LOTS of baby-boomers about to reach retirement who will by simple large numbers will stress the Social Security system to the point it will break. I don't begrudge the money that was stolen from them either but I recognize that it will break the
system and likely break the country.

It was a ponzi scam from the beginning, doomed to fail.

I for one do not want to see my children and grandchildren robbed of their money to pay for some ponzi scam. It needed to be fixed a long time ago but because the whores in politics are also cowards they never wanted to make that large voting block mad....

Because none were willing to face the problem it has only grown larger and will continue to grow larger until it fails catastrophically.

I would like my generation (40s-50s) to put it's foot down and dig in and fix this problem, but as long as we have people continue to say "I want mine" it will continue to grow larger and more dangerous. I think I deserve it myself, I look at how much they have pulled out and think, "I want that back" but I understand that looking at this with emotion and a sense of entitlement will only make the end run worse. I am even willing to continue to have it stolen from me and KNOW I will never see it as long as they stop the system NOW and take that burden off the following generations.

What IS the answer - I'm not sure, one could be to consolidate and grandfather then cut the system off... I do know if nothing is done it WILL fail. As we continue to have big business send work offshore and hire illegal workers there will be no BASE to draw funds from to support the

It is close, and it will be huge - get ready.

This can be an emotional issue, don't let that take away from the looming factual problems that will have to be dealt with.

This and other issues have become such an emotional issue none are willing to look at it objectively.

The truth is this county flirted with Socialism and allowed the Social Security system to be set up in the first place, FDR lied when he said the new currency was not fiat currency, and lied about Social Security it was our biggest early experiment with socialism and it is about to fail.

They were tricked, we were tricked, and most of the people in the US were tricked and NONE of us likes to admit that we were duped and that makes it an emotional issue.

The FACTS are that it WILL fail - do we want to put our heads in the sand and have it fall on our backs or do we want to recognize what will happen?

I am willing to CONTINUE TO PAY - even KNOWING that I will never see a SINGLE penny! I just want it to end, I am willing to pay for the bad decisions of the past as long as it DOES NOT pass on for more generations. But I do not think we will survive as a country that long, we are already doomed, we already cannot handle more of the big problems and we have a long list waiting to hit us.

I would like it to change before it becomes a problem - what happens when we have a large amount of baby-boomers who DEPEND on Social Security and HAVE NO OTHER OPTION and find themselves with a bankrupt system and NO INCOME...

I'm not begrudging anyone who paid in and then expects some back - like I said, I would like some of that back myself - but I am willing to give it up to end the system - a system that CANNOT survive - it is one of the reasons that a ponzi scam is ILLEGAL - it ALWAYS WILL FAIL.

The system WILL fail - prepare NOW, this is not an issue of "blame this or blame that" but a simple issue of warning and fixing - if we cannot fix it we need to spread the warning that it WILL FAIL, I want us all to be ready for what is about to happen...

What happens on a fixed income and the TRILLIONS of dollars of fiat money is finally released by the banks and starts a new round of excessive inflation? That hammer is about to fall and I can guarantee that the government will NOT bring the fixed amounts up to compensate.

I hear lots of "I worked my ass off and my money was given to your grandparents - YOU owe me. You talk about patriotism and freedom like you almost know what it is all about."

First, I DO NOT owe YOU a damned thin dime. I never forced anyone to pay into a ponzi fraud, I am at least rational enough to understand you are being irrational. Second, I understand the disappointment more than you think, and I do understand patriotism, and a lot more about the Constitution and freedom than most of the typical Americans expecting their entitlements. (Far too many whiny Baby Boomers who seem to want to blame the "youth" for everything, you were the ones who vote in your own slavery... what nerve)

I am NOT disparaging anyones life of work or what they paid in taxes (think rational and logical you know the truth) I am only making the obvious conclusion - the political WHORES sold you and this country's future a long time ago! It is called fraud and you and I were taken for suckers and fleeced.

"But I get a statement from Social Security that tells me how much I will get, that is like a contract, a statement of account they have to honor"

This of course all assumes that the government has any honor and is any better than Bernie Madoff - they are not and never will be. How incompetent is the government? Have you not figured this out? Doesn't this problem just take the cake? Madoff gave out monthly statements also... we all know how that worked out.

When could we ever trust the government to be honest and honorable?

Yes, we were all forced to contribute, yes the government would rather waste money on ill advised endeavors, like buying votes with welfare and amnesty, yes they lied us into socialism.... But they are incompetent and they always were, we gave the keys to the bank to a bunch of drunken losers at the bar and we get this, a wreck of a country, the fault is not with the youth or your "selfish" neighbors but with your past voting - you made this bed now we all have to lie in it.

I would say my point is always hate, fear, and distrust the government, and understand they have no intent to help you but to help the ones who have the real power. Bail-outs, so who was behind that? Why was it so important that Bush the younger got on TV and told everyone that we needed to hand BANKERS our money or the country would be ruined - and what happened? Record PROFITS for the banks on our tax dollars.

The government did not "find the money" for the bailout - it is debt, crushing debt, on the backs of our grandchildren! They paid for the handouts for their masters with the debt slavery of our grandchildren! If the American people should be mad enough to start the second revolution - the first was for LESS - how the Founders must be turning in their graves!.

We could quote the Founding Fathers on this issue because they KNEW what was going to happen when the creeping forces of banking and intrigue would take over, and the need to keep out of "foreign entanglements" like Vietnam and now Iraq and Afghanistan... Ask yourself the simple question "who benefits?" - you know the answer deep down.

What do we do? They lied and they are broke and many who should be able to retire on money they were promised will not get it or it will stop when they need it...

How do we prepare for this? I would be willing to continue to pay Social Security and never see a penny - as long as it stops with my generation, I get the feeling I am alone in this - the desire to fix it at any cost and at any price, because it will continue to be a broken system and I want to fix it now before it gets worse.

The reality is WHEN does government EVER keep a promise unless it means votes or more cash into their whorish pockets.

A link from the mouth of the beast (US .Gov).

Johnson during Vietnam needed some money to continue at that point some government accounting shenanigans were uses to "cook the books" to help with the higher debt the government wanted to continue to buy the "guns and butter" - until the bailout, this was the largest in US history - a redistribution scheme.

"In 1983 Congress changed the law by specifically authorizing the taxation of Social Security benefits." Remember that - so who was in charge?

What this sight points out is how much FDR LIED to the people to get us into socialism and how the .gov continues to TRICK us to take our money and make sure it ends up in the International Banks (the Fed).

This is only one part of a HUGE system designed to remove money from the Americans pockets and transfer it into the pockets of the political whores and their masters.

If only more people understood how evil our banking system is and how intertwined the MSM, .gov, and the Fed were it would scare the pants off of them - they operate a confidence game and the history of banking is a history of fraud. It doesn't matter what they admit to in public, if less than one per cent research it and understand the few who recite it are ridiculed.

"If governments should refran from regulation ...the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer."- The Econiomic consequences of The Peace, by John Maynard Keynes (1920) - One of the most evil men in banking and government control I can think of, and most don't even know who this devil was.

Social Security was ALWAYS a ponzi scheme and it is about to FAIL.

I understand the Cassandra effect - I see it more than I would like - but I will not let it censor what is important...

I am trying to point out the looming problems that we need to address - personally I don't think we can fix them, only warn our fellow Americans of what is about to happen - evil men in government and banking put us in this position and I am convinced that it was a clear plan... get ready.

Lew Rockwell, today’s political and dollar delusion

The Plague of Self-Delusion

"It has been proved, by indisputable evidence, that power is not the grand principle of union among the parts of a very extensive empire; and that when this principle is pushed beyond the degree necessary for rendering justice between man and man, it debases the character of individuals, and renders them less secure in their persons and property…"

~ James Winthrop, Antifederalist No. 11

Given the present political climate, with its common disregard for the lessons of history, I am sure those learned 19th-century Anti-Federalists are viewed as nothing less than arcane mystics espousing apocryphal concepts. So, the Antifederalist papers are discarded, having no place in any social discussion, undoubtedly on the grounds that they are offensive myths. The void is, of course, filled by the assertions of the mentally dull, noisome parasites belonging to the politically correct, progressive, liberal, (choose your own label) camp.

The historical fact that these progressive policies have failed miserably, wherever and whenever they have been tried, is summarily dismissed. So, we are treated to a rehashed assortment of the original tripe while being asked to believe that this time it will work because a new and improved noxious byproduct emanates from the southern orifice of the smartest, most enlightened in society.


We generally think of those living in the early part of the 20th century as being poor by our standards today, but were they really poor?

At the present we are left with the realization that today’s dollar has a value of less than two pieces of penny candy from the 1920’s.

Not unlike the ancient Romans we have deluded ourselves; we have rejected the warnings that knowledgeable men of history have tried to give, to our own detriment: the continued degradation of our standard of living accompanying the reduction of our freedoms.

Many may be feeling comfortable and confident with their present status and that maybe as it should be.

However, generations of complacency and ignorance are about to come to an end. Reality is going to have its day and it is coming with the fury of a woman scorned. We will pay for our folly and it will be a penalty few will survive.

FDR’s legacy of entitlements

If you want to here a bunch of endless whining and bitching just hang out with some "baby boomers" about to retire.

If you have never come across one of the "entitled" this could be a real treat. You would think that there were no more folks out there that are stupid enough to expect that there will be any of the socialist program Social Security, but there are and many of them will say that WE OWE THEM Socialist Insecurity because they fought in Vietnam or they paid so much into the program, or they paid for your grandparents or some other stupid self centered entitled spoiled brat reason. The of course are wrong, they did not "pay into" the system it was a ponzi scheme to begin with.

Every generation who has flirted with socialism from the "greatest generation" until even now who has not taken up arms to topple this disgusting government is guilty of dereliction and deserves NOTHING. This is not the lone responsibility of the younger generation the system was in place long before any of them were conceived.

FDR should have been hoisted onto a pike in front of the White House and then had his charred bones thrown into a public urinal so that when we visit DC we can urinate on his rotting corpse.

Roosevelt's failures: "Our government put into Stalin's hands the means of seizing a great slab of the continent of Europe, then stood aside while he took it and finally acquiesced in his conquests." ...Laying out in detail FDR's fatuousness in looking on Stalin - Stalin - as a friend and a fellow progressive, his main ally in constructing the New World Order.

These facts have, however, made little impression on the herds of historians. It seems that there is no degrading inanity, no catastrophic blunder that is not permitted a truly "great president."

John T. Flynn and the Myth of FDR

Andrew Jackson’s resistance to the Bank

A little history, read as much as you can before you start to get ill.

Ill because this has happened before and the combatants are just as interesting as anything Shakespeare ever dreamed of constructing.

First you must understand Fractional-reserve banking, it is a concept that you must understand to grasp how deep and how old the background to our problems are - a massive fraud that is very, very old. Fractional reserve banking describes the actions of banks lending out more funds than received from deposit accounts, currently the amounts of fractional lending are astronomical. This is part of the reality of "real inflation" that is the increase of money without real value.

Now we can talk about the central banks, in particular I want to review the First and Second Banks of the United States.

A paradise for speculators, the bastard child of Alexander Hamilton. To achieve this an increase of the duty on imported spirits, plus a raise the excise tax on domestically distilled whiskey and other liquors, this was the origin of the Whiskey Rebellion. The Whiskey Rebellion was where Washington was tested and FAILED as a leader shackling us with the curse of Federalism of the Hamiltonian type. Hamiltonian Federalism would later prove to be the seed of that bloody tree that would cause the War of the States.

The Bank aided this boom through its lending, which encouraged speculation in land. This lending allowed almost anyone to borrow money and speculate in land, sometimes doubling or even tripling the prices of land. With such a boom, hardly anyone noticed the widespread fraud occurring at the Bank as well as the economic bubble that had been created.
Sound familiar?

The result was the Panic of 1819

This would lead to the Bank War where two men would fight over the nation's finances, the notorious banker fraudster Nicholas Biddle and Andrew Jackson.

The "Bank War" of 1832–36 was initiated by Biddle when he decided to apply for the Bank's re-charter four years before the charter was scheduled to expire. Until 1832, Jackson, for three years, had ignored the Bank and Biddle. But, once challenged, he decided to veto the bill to re-charter the bank he hated, and Jackson gained great support from the public for his veto.

In early 1833, Jackson decided to pull the government's funds out of the Bank. In response Biddle decided to shrink the money supply and cause a recession in 1834 in order to force Jackson to accept a re-charter bill. The Bank demanded that old loans be repaid and made no new loans.

Biddle had threatened to cause a depression without a re-charter of the bank, and there was a recession in the first half of 1834, but another bill to re-charter failed (partly because Biddle was caught boasting in public that he and the bank would crush the economy) and the Bank was doomed. Its charter expired in April, 1836.

In the spring of 1834, the House voted overwhelmingly against rechartering the Bank. This was followed up by an even higher percentage vote to set up a special committee to investigate whether the Bank had caused the crash.

When the investigating committee arrived at the Bank's door in Philidelphia, armed with a subpoena to examine the books, Biddle refused to give them up, nor would he allow inspection of correspondence with Congressmen, relating to their personal loans and advances he made to them. He also refused to testify before the committee back in Washington.

Biddle would die before all of the charges would ever come to the point to see his worthless carcass punished.

Afghanistan is a mess, Battle of Wanat

This will be a long post with lots of clips of information from the report... I found the report worth the read for the background information, 99% of this information the American public is ignorant of this background - our troops there are in for a long political trap and it is not their fault they are simply being used and abused.

If you are not intrested you may want to skip all the material in italics. (I do think it is worth the read and I would suggest going directly to the report.) I don't know how many times you will see "this was bad" but my impression of the report was that this was like they were in a bowl full of snakes.

Finishing the report I am even more convinced that Afghanistan is a mess, we should get out, it will only get worse, and the politicians have ulterior motives for our continued presence.

There were several times reading this I had the hair on my neck stand up.

Here is a link to the report - Battle of Wanat historical analysis

I don't think any of us thought the part about white hot barrel from the AP story was ever correct - it is an extension of using words to describe a stressful situation a hold over from the Vietnam style personal and journalistic embellishment - there have ben numerous studies about how humans do not make good eye-witness sources of information because of the tendency to fill-in information...

My reading of the report brings up some important items:

1. Focusing in on the fact that MSM whores (like AP) are not capable of getting a story 100% correct is not the real point (we know they do not, most of the time for propaganda).

2. This report is important, any concerned American willing to read and learn, should read this report (and others with additional information) to try to clearly understand the situation in the "Graveyard of Empires".

3. The situation the soldiers found themselves in was very bad. Things could have ended up much worse.

4. This group was not some bunch of FNG's this was a bunch of long-in-country hardened combat experienced soldiers. This was a group that would have maintained their rifles in the best condition possible and would have had lots of experience with "fire discipline" - they knew what they were doing and had done "it" under pressure for a long time.

5. While this report contains lot of important additional information about Afghanistan. I should tie it into the original subject of this thread. The current M4 rifle DOES have problems.

6. This particular situation has elements that would point out problems with any weapon system.

7. Because of the way the rifles were used generally, It does not look as if the reported "lack of power" in the 5.56 had much if any impact on this incidence.

8. There were far more examples of suppressive fire than direct lethal fire as this is the current tactic used by US forces, this clearly points to a need for a system capable of long term extended fire. One of the reasons sustained fire is often regulated to specially designed weapons.

9. Most of the air cooled belt-fed weapons have "quick-change" barrels that were designed to be changed every 200 to 300 rounds of fire. They could have used more than a few extra MGs each with a handful of extra barrels. Both the M-240 and the M-249 have a removable barrel, yet in the report it sounds as if they are not issued with spare barrels or they try not to use extra barrels - are they difficult to change or is that not the method of training? There was no mention of "hey soldier change that barrel" but rather "Hey soldier don't burn up that barrel" as if there is only one in use and available. Where were the extra barrels?

10. The situation the soldiers were placed in was almost medieval with attackers of high number moving in on a fixed position - again pointing to a need for a belt-fed with a quick change barrel in much higher numbers and in closer proximity to one another (a higher proportion distributed in the same groups).

11. Some of the malfunctions were due to explosions, shrapnel, and direct hits by aimed or inadvertent enemy small arms fire hitting the weapon and damaging operational parts or the frames, no weapon regardless of construction or design can withstand that damage.

I compare this situation to the the one the poor overrun soldiers in Mogadishu found themselves.

A rundown of Mogadishu here.

Of course none of this negates the fact that there are currently available modifications and weapons systems that would be better suited to the duty put to our servicemen in "the sand box" and that the price of replacement for the ENTIRE ARMY is LESS than what Halliburton ALONE has overcharged (read FRAUD) the military.

This is 1/10th to 1/20th of the money that has ended up "unaccounted or fraudulent" in Iraq ALONE and that was under a so-called "conservative" (read pathetic neo-con puppet)...

Now reviewing the report some things stick out - (report in italics) I have blanked more names than were blanked in the report, the report should stand on it's own.

Various authors and analysts have employed different terminology when referring to the insurgents in Afghanistan. The two most common terms are “Anti-Afghanistan Forces” (AAF) and “Anti-Coalition Militia” (ACM). ... the 10th Mountain Division more commonly utilized ACM. I have chosen to use “ACM” as I believe that it more properly describes the insurgents that are being encountered in Nuristan and Kunar Provinces. That is, the majority of the forces being encountered are more akin to militia, local fighters fighting within or near to their communities, rather than being what Western militaries might consider to be organized “forces.” Additionally, these insurgents perceive themselves as fighting for a better future for Afghanistan, one that is fundamentally Islamic, has local government, and is free of international or western influence. They are, more accurately, anti-coalition in that they are opposed to the Afghan central, western-influenced, elected government of President Karzai. Thus, the term “ACM” is more technically accurate than anti-Afghanistan (they simply have a radically different view of what they consider to be pro or anti-Afghanistan).

Can we draw any parallels? Say Vietnam?

These villages were set in locations which were inaccessible and surrounded by vast tracts of rugged lands not traversed by trails, paths or routes. These tracts could only be exploited by well-armed herders who could take their animals there under protection, and they served as effective buffer zones for their communities.

Armed locals who are expected to be armed and comfortable with the arms in a hostile rugged environment...

The most well known American incursion into Kunar Province was Operation Red Wing, when a U.S. Navy SEAL Team was inserted against Ahmad Shah, a Taliban HVT to the east of the Korengal Valley and south of the Pech River in June 2005. The SEAL Team was compromised by a chance encounter with Afghan goat herders, and following a heavy firefight was defeated by a large force of insurgents. A Special Operations helicopter, hurrying to the relief of the SEAL Team, was shot down by an RPG and sixteen soldiers were killed. Ahmad Shah would subsequently be slain by the 3rd BCT, 10th Mountain Division in 2006. Of the SEAL Team, only Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class (SEAL) [blank] survived.

What can I say? That is interesting, note the helicopter and RPG just as in Mogadishu.

I like Wanat quite a bit. The people were always good to us. They always gave us tips when trouble was coming. I felt very confident moving about without my armor on, ...The key thing was the relationship that LT [blank] and his engineers had established there when they were building the bridge. [blank] was great with the people, and they took him in like a brother. This made the place pretty safe, comparatively speaking. - Battalion Commander

The interaction with some of the military and the locals is worth the read particularly the engineers.

There was considerable ACM presence in the Waigal Valley, including politically oriented formations such as various former Mujahideen entities

Remember that name? Mujahideen freedom fighters ring a bell?

The 10th Mountain Division in the campaign season before had initiated “Operation Mountain Lamb” specifically focused upon the distribution of humanitarian supplies to the population of northeast Afghanistan.xliv Neither TF Rock nor TF Bayonet ever established such a program.

To the people of the Waigal Valley whose homes were being leveled, and whose neighborhoods and farm fields were being turned into battlefields, they saw no commensurate improvement in their lives, and no real evidence of security being provided by the coalition. As demonstrated in Wanat in the fall of 2006, when security was provided, interaction between the soldiers and the population was permitted, and when the community derived economic benefits (such as being paid for labor, selling bread and food, and receiving two modern bridges) from the coalition’s presence, the community responded with strong pro-central Afghanistan government and American feelings, and reciprocated with support and intelligence. However, a lack of services by the Afghan government, coupled with lack of security being enabled by the American military presence, and alienation caused by the aggressive kinetic fight being carried to the insurgents by TF Rock, swiftly degraded the relationships between the population of the Waigal Valley and the coalition. The population, facing legitimate threats and dangers from the virulent insurgents, could not tolerate being perceived as being supportive of the coalition unless they were being adequately protected by the American paratroopers and ANA/ANP. Without security, or improvements to their quality of life that were worth risking their lives for, the residents of the Waigal Valley remained (at best) uncommitted. Numerous American soldiers have interpreted this as: “The population is also very xenophobic and are largely fence sitters.” Lieutenant Colonel [blank], assessed that: “Waygul history is replete with deception, dishonesty, two-faced tactics, actions counter to Afghan culture and Islam.” However, both of these assessments can be construed as being exclusively American in interpretation, rather than incorporating the Waigal Valley population’s situation and concerns.

Influencing this perception is the extremely deleterious effects of destroying even a single residence in the comparatively small villages of the Waigal Valley, which are very tight-knit and inter-related through the extended families that inhabit the region, and are also desperately poor. To the residents of these communities, they hold the Americans who dropped the bomb to be equally as culpable as the insurgents who attracted the bomb in the first place. One senior American analyst with exhaustive experience of Pakistan and Afghanistan has concluded: “…the indiscriminate use of airpower in inhabited areas has been extremely damaging to counterinsurgency efforts among a revenge-oriented people with a zero tolerance for insult and collateral damage.” The highly kinetic approach favored by TF Rock, in contravention of the earlier population centric approach taken by TF Chosen, rapidly and inevitably degraded the relationships between the U.S. Army and the Waigal Valley population.

The stick and carrot in action.

Then an event happened - the details on the linked page, that could be called the straw on the camel.

This attack, whether justified or not by U.S. forces, aggravated public opinion throughout the Waigal Valley against the Americans, and caused much of the population to (for at least the time being) actively support the ACM. Sami Nurstani, a Waigal Valley resident, analyzed the incident:

I think July 4 was a disaster both for the people of Waygal valley and the Coalition forces. The aftermath of the Bella incident led to the Wantt attack, the link is very obvious mostly caused by the anger over the death of innocent civilian in Bella. I have known two of the deceased in that incident. Most people believe that the locals were so angered by the Bella incident that they even cooperated (or simply did not report to the Americans) with those who attacked the Wantt outpost. The attack certainly changed people’s support for the US army given the fact that they killed the very people who had helped them or were very cooperative to them.

The result...

Chosen Company and TF Rock had spent over fourteen months in intensive, unremitting combat in the Waigal. By this time, the soldiers of Chosen Company and TF Rock were more than familiar with the ACM that they contested against. They knew how the insurgents fought, they understood their tactics and how they preferred to employ their weapons, and they respected the ACM as tough, determined, committed and skilled fighters. However, as noted, actual interactions between the population and the paratroopers had been extremely limited, and as a result the population and Chosen soldiers were virtual strangers. Generally, Chosen Company’s time in the Waigal Valley had proven to be frustrating, and although considerable efforts had been expended, little real progress was visible. As LTC Ostlund believed, and most of his Chosen Few soldiers would have concurred with him, “Waygul history is replete with deception, dishonesty, two-faced tactics, actions counter to Afghan culture and Islam. [The] Population provides no information to GoA [Government of Afghanistan] and provides support to AAF [Anti-Afghan Forces].” One young, but highly experienced, Chosen Company soldier echoed LTC [blank] impressions:

Those people, they disgust me. We built them a school and gave them money for roads. A lot of times, I gave the workers clothes for their kids and shoes for their kids. I gave them blankets. We’d give them food and they complained that we didn’t do enough for them. Those people live a different life than the rest of the Afghanis. They have no morals whatsoever. They would kill their own son if you gave them a goat. Everything about those people up there is disgusting. They’re worthless.

Against this background of mutual distrust and nearly fifteen months of acrimonious interaction, the withdrawal from COP Bella and the occupation of COP Kahler in Wanat moved forward.

See above about personal viewpoints, much of this sounds eerily like Vietnam in more than a few ways.

With a large insurgent force actively operating in the Waigal Valley and available for immediate employment, and the local populace ill disposed to the coalition as a fall-out from the earlier helicopter attack, it was unlikely that the ACM would let this fleeting opportunity slip away without taking action.

Under close observation with possible willing or coerced insiders.

The great amount of firepower employed for two hours suggests that there was considerable local fighter support, simply to transport and supply the staggering quantities of ordnance expended, and evacuate the considerable number of casualties successfully from the battlefield. This was a large, and extremely skilled and dedicated, fighting force.

This was bad, very bad, not just a handful of people but a large coordinated attack.

First, beginning the night of July 11th-12th, the ITAS and LRAS sensors at Wanat began to acquire small groups of individuals moving across the mountain slopes around COP Kahler, and then vanishing into the many precipitous draws and ravines of the countryside. With one exception, they could not be positively identified (PID) as insurgents. However, the sudden appearance of numerous small groups of individuals should have been a matter of concern.

The dark clouds and ill wind before the storm...

Most of these reports were apparently not judged to be of significant import... He was demanding the support we weren’t getting, but we weren’t the priority anymore because it wasn’t flashy... “We had no support from brigade, division or theater level assets at the time.”...previous experience in the year before was that once an outpost was established it was rapidly attacked.

Review the construction and limitations with the HESCO Barriers, they had even ran out of fuel for the earth mover because they could not pump it out of storage!

There were repeated and recurring failures of small arms firing at “cyclic” rates of fire (high volume of fire for extended duration) during this engagement. Weapon systems that experienced failures include M-4 rifles, SAW automatic weapons, and MK19 grenade launchers. The failure of weapons at OP Topside degraded the defense of that post at a critical moment in the engagement, and contributed to the penetration of that position by the ACM. Some GWOT and U.S. Army veterans queried by the author have suggested that this could have been caused by improper weapon cleaning. However, numerous Chosen Few NCOs interviewed for this study have been vehemently adamant in stating that weapons were meticulously and regularly cleaned, and rigorously and routinely inspected by the chain of command. Other GWOT veterans consulted have noted that the high rates of fire sustained during the two hour intense engagement phase at Wanat could possibly have contributed to these failures. However, numerous weapons failed relatively early in the engagement (particularly a number of M-4 rifles and at one SAW at the mortar pit), and in any event the maintenance of cyclic rates of fire was critical to restore fire superiority, and to prevent positions (particularly at OP Topside) from being overrun by determined, numerous, and hard pressed insurgent assaults. The U.S. Army Project Manager-Soldier Weapons needs to investigate the reason(s) behind the repeated failures of multiple weapons at sustained cyclic rates of fire, and initiate appropriate measures to address such failures.

I think this supports the theory that the systems need upgrading.

The platoon sized element that occupied Wanat possessed barely sufficient firepower to defend itself (as the events of July 13th decisively validated); and lacked adequate firepower to extend their sphere of influence even from the COP into the adjoining community.

Speaks for itself.

“Woe to the government, which, relying on half-hearted politics and a shackled military policy, meets a foe who, like the untamed elements, knows no law other than his own power! Any defect of action and effort will turn to the advantage of the enemy, and it will not be easy to change from a fencer’s position to that of a wrestler. A slight blow may then often be enough to cause a total collapse.” - General Carl Von Clausewitz