We are looking for people who are interested in building the world's first replicable open source self-sufficient decentralized permaculture village - to transcend survival and evolve to freedom.
Public domain Farm and industry plans.
We are looking for people who are interested in building the world's first replicable open source self-sufficient decentralized permaculture village - to transcend survival and evolve to freedom.
Why a few ragtag guerillas could send it running out of Somalia (Black Hawk Down)? Why one guy with a truck bomb could chase the Marines out of Lebanon? Why the attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran was such a disaster? Why the world’s most expensive military can’t win its unending wars against peasants with rifles? How is this possible?
The relentless affirmation of their lethality leads to underestimation of the enemy. Before you stick your hand into a hornets’ nest, it is well to examine the hornets. We don’t. The Taliban are primitive mountain-crawlers with AKs. “No problem, sir! We can take them. We’re the best equipped etc.” In an ancient war of classical antiquity, the Vietnamese were held in contempt as rice-propelled paddy maggots. No problem, sir. We’ve got fighter planes and tanks and endless zip-wowees. Everything but understanding and curiosity.
In the wake of the Koran burning controversy, Sen. Lindsey Graham was quick to call for limiting free speech but never the wars we fight allegedly to protect these same freedoms.
Police do not get into the profession to carry a firearm. Citizens who carry, typically have an interest in firearms and protecting themselves and their family, and self-trained in ways that make them more familiar with the weapons they carry than the average police officer.
What the gun control groups don't tabulate is how many homicides have been averted by a licensed, concealed handgun.
Kleck, who has done extensive research on the topic, says it is "quite reasonable to expect that thousands of lives are saved by defensive gun use by persons who carried guns in public places." Even if he's wrong, it would take only a handful of such incidents to offset the homicides "caused" by concealed-carry laws.
The problem for opponents is that they have sown fear from the beginning, only to harvest a meager crop. A generation ago, few states allowed concealed-carry. When Florida captured national attention by legalizing it in 1987, critics forecast mass carnage. When other states followed suit, the same predictions were heard.
But they turned out to be false alarms. Instead of an epidemic of violence, the nation saw a drop. Since 1991, the murder rate has been cut nearly in half. You don't have to believe that "shall-issue" laws caused the decline to grasp that they certainly didn't get in the way.
The record of the past two decades demonstrates that you can strengthen the right of law-abiding adults to protect themselves against crime without making the world more dangerous.
"The 1928 law put into effect a strict licensing scheme that covered all
aspects of firearms—from the manufacture to the sale, including repair and
even reloading ammunition.68 It explicitly revoked the 1919 Regulations on
Weapons Ownership,69 which had banned all firearms possession, and thereby
liberalized firearms regulation. As Halbrook himself notes, based on review of
contemporaneous newspaper reports and official commentary, “the 1928 law
was seen as deregulatory to a point but enforceable, in contrast to a far more
restrictive albeit unenforceable [1919] order.”70 Halbrook continues: “Within
a decade, Germany had gone from a brutal firearms seizure policy which, in
times of unrest, entailed selective yet immediate execution for mere possession
of a firearm, to a modern, comprehensive gun control law.”71
Second, with regard to gun possession, the 1938 Nazi gun laws
represented a further liberalization of gun control regulations. In fact, most of
the changes in the law reflected a loosening of the regulations, not a tightening.
The Weapons Law of March 18, 1938, is patterned on the Law on Firearms
and Ammunition of April 12, 1928. The two laws have the same structure,
similar section headings, and broadly similar language."
"The Minister of the Interior, Frick, passed
Regulations Against Jew’s Possession of Weapons on November 11, 1938,
which effectively deprived all Jews of the right to possess firearms or other
weapons. It was a regulation prohibiting Jews from having any dangerous
weapon—not just guns. Under the regulations, Jews “are prohibited from
acquiring, possessing, and carrying firearms and ammunition, as well as
truncheons or stabbing weapons. Those now possessing weapons and
ammunition are at once to turn them over to the local police authority.”95
Moreover, prior to that, the German police and Nazis used the 1938 firearms
law as an excuse to disarm Jews. In Breslau, for instance, the city police chief
decreed the seizure of all firearms from Jews on the ground that “the Jewish
population ‘cannot be regarded as trustworthy’”—the language from the 1928
and 1938 firearms laws.96
It seems fair to conclude, then, that the 1938 Nazi gun law represented
a slight relaxation of gun control. Though the Nazis were intent on killing
Jews and used the gun laws to that effect, they aspired to relaxation of gun
laws for the “ordinary” or “law-abiding” German citizen, for those who were
not, in their twisted minds, “enemies of the National Socialist state."
Stop with the left vs Right crap. When I ripped into Bush's policies I was accused of being a liberal. When I rip into Obama's policies which are the SAME policies I am accused of being a conservative no actually worse, a racist. Janean Garofalo Has exposed her tribalism stating that people opposing Obama only do so because he is black and they are racist. I was waiting for some liberal nut to say that. It was only a mtter of time before they tried to hide behind a race card after there is no where left to run or way to rationalized Obama's Neocons like behavior.- Rys2sense
Eighty-five percent of juveniles who come before the courts are functionally illiterate. Half the heads of households classified below the poverty line by federal standards cannot read an eighth grade book. Over one third of mothers who receive support from welfare are functionally illiterate.
63 percent of prison inmates cannot read
Tests of cognitive ability correlate with each other--people who do well on one test tend to do well on the others. But across generations, tests involving abstract generalizations have increased the most. Performance on tests involving memory, vocabulary, and general knowledge have hardly budged.
"I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center.”- Kurt Vonnegut
“Woe to the government, which, relying on half-hearted politics and a shackled military policy, meets a foe who, like the untamed elements, knows no law other than his own power! Any defect of action and effort will turn to the advantage of the enemy, and it will not be easy to change from a fencer’s position to that of a wrestler. A slight blow may then often be enough to cause a total collapse.” - General Carl Von Clausewitz